About Us
At our law firm, we strive to provide competent and passionate representation for the immigrant community in all areas of the law. Attorneys Marvin and Marva De Armas are both spanish-speaking Cuban-Americans ready to represent individuals and families throughout their immigration court cases, petitions for family members, green cards and citizenship, and so much more. Having practiced in the Detroit area for many years, they understand what it takes to fight for their clients. See our services page to discover how else we can assist you!
How Can We Help You

Solicite una apelación o una moción ante una autoridad diferente para revisar una decisión desfavorable.

Representation for those who fear persecution to remain lawfully in the United States.

Assistance with applying to become an American citizen through Naturalization.

Request an appeal or a motion to a different authority to review an unfavorable decision.

Cancelación de remoción
Para inmigrantes que han vivido en los Estados Unidos por un largo período de tiempo y cumplen ciertas condiciones.

Representación y obtener asistencia para solicitar la ciudadanía estadounidense a través de la naturalización.

Representación para los que temen la persecución para permanecer legalmente en los Estados Unidos.

Cancellation of Removal
For immigrants who have lived in the US for a long period of time and meet certain conditions.

Criminal Defense
Representation specializing in the defense of individuals accused of a crime.

Get Started
Call us 24/7 at (313) 444-2171 or fill out the form.
We understand that there are times where cases can't wait. Feel free to call us or send us a message to get you started as quickly as possible. This helps us help you within a timely manner.
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